Blurbs from the Firm: A Summer Back Together
July 8, 2021
At Skylight Financial Group, we are fortunate to have a fun work culture filled with opportunities to connect with each other and be not only a team in the office, but a family at happy hour. Being composed of such great people has only made us miss these fun times so much more that were largely hindered by the global pandemic for so long, and we are excited to be back in the offices making in-person memories that we missed out on in 2020.
With that, we asked the firm: What are you most looking forward to with colleagues for the remainder of this summer now that most everyone is back in the office?
Check out some of the firm’s responses below on what they excitedly anticipate this summer.

Will Sergio, Financial Advisor, Dublin
When the pandemic was first beginning to wind down, a handful of co-workers and I went to Top Golf just to see if it would be viable for a bigger Skylight event later in the summer. I’m happy to report that the five of us had a blast, and since then, we have been trying to lobby Gretchen, our Operations Coordinator, into reserving an office-wide event at Top Golf sometime later in the summer. I certainly hope it pans out, but I am really looking forward to any major event that Skylight decides to put on for us, including the ’80s themed party later this month!

Maddy Kelly, Operations Assistant, Cincinnati
I am looking forward to meeting people face to face! Now without masks and with people coming back into the office, I can finally put some faces to names. I get to meet my colleagues in person rather than over Zoom meetings!

Carla Hellmann, Financial Planner, Cincinnati
I am looking forward to starting up our in-office monthly happy hour again! It’s so nice to spend some time kicking back with co-workers and swapping silly stories of our lives that we otherwise wouldn’t hear.
The best part is we can congregate together in our entranceway/kitchen area without being separated by six feet and masked. Simple pleasures!

Phylicia Prince, Executive Assistant, Cleveland
I am most looking forward to more summer cookouts with my SFG colleagues. It’s a fun way to break up the day or start the weekend while hanging out with everyone! Also, Matt Dohar makes an amazing burger on the grill, rain or shine!

Mary Gensler, Operations Coordinator, Toledo
Our Toledo office is back up and functioning at full force now. Some of us were in the office during the shutdown, but most of us worked from home. It’s great to be back in the office to use our outside space on the patio for various functions, meetings, and social events. We are very thankful to have this space available. Thinking positively about the COVID-19 shutdown, we were able to see how we can function from anywhere with the technology available. This is still being utilized now that we are back in the office. Zoom and Teams meetings are now a permanent part of our business structure to the delight of many of our clients.
Thanks for sharing, everyone, and happy summer! Be sure to stay tuned for more details, recaps and photos throughout the rest of the summer and beyond by liking our Facebook page and following us on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter.