Combating Hunger at Salvation Army Community Kitchen


May 2, 2019

When Skylight financial advisors Dawn Brown and Lori Howe aren’t serving their clients, they are finding any way possible to serve their community. “The growth of our business goes hand in hand with our ability to give back to the world around us” says Dawn. They have taken on multiple community projects over the years, but their latest efforts have been with their local Salvation Army.

“Our commitment to community service started back in 2012 when Dawn and I joined WISE” said Lori Howe. WISE, or Women in Service Everyday, is an Ohio non-profit devoted to creating safe, healthy, and prosperous environments for women and children across the area.  “We were extremely moved by their mission and knew that this was something we wanted to be a part of.” Over the course of the next 7 years, Dawn and Lori would become highly involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters, The Courage House, and New Beginnings Shelter.

At the start of 2019, the team had the opportunity to work with Salvation Army’s community kitchen and jumped on it. The two advisors remember being floored after discovering the plague of food insecurity that was present in their area. “The kitchen serves hundreds of meals everyday to homeless and low-income families across the community” says Dawn, “So being there to offer nourishment and fellowship to those who need it the most has been extremely rewarding.”

Lori and Dawn went on to say that they look forward to working with the Salvation Army throughout the year, alongside other charitable organizations. “Serving the people of Greater Columbus has been and will remain at the heart of everything we do” said Lori.

Thanks for your time ladies!

Looking for volunteering opportunities in the Columbus area? Check out Salvation Army’s website or the WISE Facebook page.