Empowering Transitional Aged Special Needs Individuals


April 11, 2018

Before we know it summer will be creeping up on us, the sun will be beating down and school will be finished for another year.  With summer comes freedom and fun and for many children and young adults this means going on adventures, vacation and of course summer camp.  Yet for families of special needs children and young people, often these camps are unaffordable.

It was this discovery that led James Schade, Financial Planner and Special Care Planner at Skylight’s Toledo office, to found the SuperSchade’s Foundation in 2013, to not only help send children and young adults with special needs to summer camp, but also to also encourage the interaction of all disabilities by providing social and physical activities within their community.

This summer the SuperSchade’s Foundation will host a 6-week program, in Toledo, focused on assisting transitional aged individuals (ages 15-22) with intellectual and developmental disabilities to develop a variety of life skills.  Activities will include music, field trips into the community, personal hygiene, swimming and life-skills such as cooking, cleaning and safety.  On top of their own summer camp, the Foundation is also offering grant opportunities for kids to attend a summer camp of their choice.

James Schade, President of the SuperSchade’s Foundation, said, “We do our best to make our camps a fun and enjoyable opportunity for individuals with special needs.  It’s all about teaching life skills and preparing them for job opportunities.  Feedback from previous camps has been incredibly positive.  It takes these young people away from televisions and computer games and gets them motivated, out in the community and learning to be as independent as possible.”

“The impact of the camp is far reaching.  One of the kids is now working in Little Caesars although his parents never would have thought that possible.  We are thankful for the support of local businesses and organizations who help supplement the cost of the summer camp for those who need financial assistance.  They also help finance our grants which enables other children to go to a camp of their choice.  Together, we can make such a difference in the lives of these truly amazing individuals!”

If you are interested in finding out further information on their summer camp, please visit the SuperSchade’s Foundation website.  The deadline for grant application is Monday, April 30th, 2018.

They are also hosting their 4th Annual Bowl-Off presented by PizzAroma on April 20th.  Cost for each team is $125 (max of 5 people per team).  If you are interested, you need to move quick as there are only a few lanes left open!   Details available here.