Skylight’s Mike Connole Volunteers at City-Wide Cops & Kids Fishing Event


August 28, 2018

Mike Connole, Managing Partner at Skylight Financial Group, recently volunteered at the Cleveland Police Foundation 2018 Kids Fish CLE event at Voinovich Park in North Coast Harbor.  The event, which was co-sponsored by the Downtown Cleveland Alliance and supported by community partners, was a huge success with Cleveland Police officers from all over the city fishing, playing games, and having lots of fun with hundreds of kids.

Some of the kids got to fish on the lake on chartered boats, others received fishing instructions and got fishing rods to take home.  There was also plenty of on-shore fun with bubble soccer matches (kids vs. cops), giant checkers, raffles, lunch, and the Cops for Kids Ice Cream Truck handing out Pierre’s ice cream.  “It was great to see the kids and police officers hanging out together and having fun,” said Mike.  “Seeing them work together and learn to fish on the boats was truly a sight to watch. One of my favorite moments from the day was when a child said he had never seen Lake Erie before.  That was interesting because many of these kids don’t live that far from the Lake – but hadn’t had the opportunity to enjoy it until this event.   It warms your heart to participate in events like these.”

Mike Connole has also recently been welcomed as the newest board member of the Cleveland Police Foundation (CPF).  Mike took up his responsibilities back in June and is looking forward to the opportunity to use his skills and discipline to help build a better and safer community.  The CPF works proactively to support and invest in programs, community policing initiatives and engagement, events that foster stronger relationships between citizens and police officers, and police charities.

“I feel very privileged to be appointed a board member of the CPF.  The CPF does amazing work in our community raising funds and providing funding for activities designed to support the interaction between the children of Cleveland and the police.  Often these children are underprivileged and the joy that they get from these activities is infectious.  My participation simply is an extension of what Skylight Financial Group does in the communities of Cleveland.”