Skylight Financial Group Announces New Initiative for Female Professionals: Her Money Counts

Amie Fox

January 17, 2023

Her Money Counts is a women's empowerment initiative launched in response to our female financial planners noticing a disparity in treatment among professional women by the financial industry.

When discussing these issues with their female clients, they learned the greatest deterrents to reaching out for financial planning assistance was the failure to be heard, finding instead they were told what they should do, not necessarily in conjunction with what they wanted.

Additionally, they felt no one was guiding them to discuss the individual situations that professional women often find themselves in. Unique situations warrant discussions to find individualized solutions, and many female clients felt their financial planners were uninterested in adapting their planning advice to fit those needs.

Research has found that women think about finances differently than men [1] which can drastically affect the planning process for future financial aspirations and commitments. Work-life balance, commitments with children, and work schedules are just a few examples that tend to sit higher on women's priority lists than men's.

Her Money Counts is ready to engage these empowered women and build the right plan based on what's important to them.

You can find more information at and Her Money Counts social media pages which are accessible below. 

[1] Bank of America Study, 2022,