The Women of Skylight Financial Group


March 8, 2019

In honor of International Women’s Day, we wanted to take a moment to highlight the extraordinary ladies of Skylight Financial Group. We asked the women of Skylight a simple question: What empowers you every day to live your best life? Check out their responses below!

Jennifer Hill, Chief Agency Supervisory Officer

I remind myself that each day is a gift and be present each moment, task risks & do something out of my comfort zone because you never know what impact & joy it may bring.

Jessie Hansen, Financial Operations Analyst

My definition of empowerment centers around me being true to ME! I lived my life for so long trying to please others, doing everything for other people in the hope that they would like me. Over time, I have learned that I truly feel powerful when I am honoring my thoughts, my values and my inner perspective of life.  I don’t settle for less because I should I go for the gold because I CAN!

You become more to others when you believe in yourself! Smile from within and let the world know who you are!

Angie Wingerd, Financial Planner

I am so blessed to have the best clients and ability to help them take care of their families, businesses, and loved ones. This business gives me the opportunity to make a difference today, tomorrow and when people need us the most. I am surrounded by an incredible community and colleagues that make me a better person, and for that I will forever be thankful!

I am extremely grateful to have a wonderful family and the opportunity to make a difference every day—Life is good!

Sara Canterbury, Financial Planner

I am empowered every day by my family, friends, and clients.  At the end of every day, I hope that I’ve done something that has helped put my family be in a better place, helped my clients reach a goal, brightened a friend’s or even a stranger’s day, and ultimately put a little more kindness into the world.

Stephanie Demuesy, Financial Advisor

I often say my theme song is Frank Sinatra’s “My Way.” As I reflect on the almost 50 years of my life, I can say with certainty that I have been through a lot. What empowers me every day to live my best life is that no matter the adversity I have faced, I have been able to come out the other end as a stronger, wiser, and all-around better person.

I am also proud to be the mother of 3 beautiful, strong, and independent children. Being a positive force in their lives motivates me every day to be the best I can be.

Jill Taplin, Director of New Business

I am empowered by a personal commitment to my own independence. I am proud to say that I have built a great life for myself without any handouts. I have a niece and three nephews and being able to teach them the importance of hard work and perseverance is rewarding beyond measure.

Amie Fox, Financial Planner

Because I can.  We all take things for granted a hundred times a day. My best life is when I remember these words: I’m working because I can, I’m exercising because I can, I’m parenting because I can. You never know when any of these aspects of life might come to an end, so cherish them while you have them.

…and for the record, I don’t clean my house even though I can. ?

Phylicia Prince, Senior Compliance Coordinator

My family empowers me every day to live my best life. Everything I do and every decision I make I am thinking about my beautiful family. I’m empowered to work hard at my job, to help provide for them and when I am home with them my focus is totally on them. I look towards the future and pray that when my kids are my age they can look back and feel like they had a good childhood and a Mom that they can be proud of. They make me feel empowered to be the best version of myself.

Erin Stidham, Director of Financial Planning & Sales Operations

I am empowered by my dedication to staying centered the present moment.   Being centered and aware allows me to the be best person I can be for those I care about most, especially for my kids. By living each day with accountability, courage, integrity, gratitude, compassion and service, I feel there is nothing I cannot accomplish.

Trisha Rutherford, Chief Operating Officer

Every day I read a quote by Tony Gaskins, “There are people watching you, copying you, and looking up to you but will never tell you. You have an audience. Know that.”

Rita Khosla, Financial Planner

Having the opportunity to work in an industry where you connect and build relationships with so many people. I have been a financial planner for 28 years, and the most rewarding part of my career continues to be helping those in need. In addition, the love and support I get from my family continues to motivate me to be the best I can be.


Today, we lift our glasses high to the women of Skylight! Thank you for your continued efforts and leading our company to new heights!